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Welcome to our Annual Reports, a comprehensive overview of our organisation’s achievements, challenges, and milestones over the past years. Within these pages, you’ll find insights into our progress, financial performance, and the impact of our initiatives on the community we serve.
Our work was affected both by COVID-19, but more so by the extraordinarily wet weather. However, by remaining flexible, Easy Care Gardening volunteers and staff managed to perform 25,239 hours of gardening service.
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For another year the work of Easy Care Gardening (ECG) has been affected by COVID-19. In the year to 30 June 2022 we have also had to deal with uncommonly wet weather. Together, COVID-19 and the weather have forced us to reduce the number of gardens we have been able to service.
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Despite the significant impact of COVID-19, the achievements of our organisation have been better than might have been expected.
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As with practically all things in the community, Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the operation of Easy Care Gardening and thrown up new challenges to us all. Nevertheless, overall it has been a good year for ECG.
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This has been a year of mixed results for Easy Care Gardening. Despite the decline in volunteer numbers, we performed 31,420 hours of gardening service including about 10,000 hours through CALM.
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Another successful year for Easy Care Gardening, yielding a net surplus of $100,129, satisfying our goal of building reserves for future needs. We delivered 23,516 hours of gardening services and 12,500 hours through CALM, exceeding government funding targets.
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During this year Easy Care Gardening has continued to adapt or prepare to adapt to changing circumstances in order to provide a gardening service to older people.
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